Get Help: Assistance for Social Issues
Here you will find a list of approved reliable organizations that will provide professional help on a variety of teen social issues. If you require immediate assistance, please, click the link to the appropriate agency below:

Alberta Health Services
Confidential, anonymous service, crisis intervention, information about mental health programs and services, referrals to other agencies if needed.

Find the right community and social services. You can dial 2-1-1 to speak to an Information & Referral Specialist, or search our online community resource directory.

We inspire hope and contribute to the safety and well being of people of all ages, professions, cultures, and communities concerned and/or affected by bullying. We build awareness through advocacy, training staff and/or parents, presentations, consultations, coaching sessions or short/long term counselling sessions.

CMHA Edmonton
Are you feeling overwhelmed? Have you experienced abuse? Are you contemplating suicide? Now is the time to talk about it. If you or someone you know is in crisis, you can call the Distress Line at any hour of the day and we’ll talk through it together.

Abbotsfield Youth Project
Our mission as a not for profit organization is to provide programs for children ages 6-12 that encourage the development of effective living skills, the pursuit of healthy lifestyle choices and the connection of families to the community.

Calgary Communities Against Sexual Abuse (CCASA)
CCASA is the primary sexual abuse and sexual assault crisis and education service provider for Calgary and surrounding areas.

Camrose Women’s Shelter Society
We believe no one should be turned away from a shelter, and no one should be forced back into a dangerous/abusive lifestyle. We exist to assist those experiencing the effects of family violence in working toward an abuse-free lifestyle.

Distress Centre Calgary (DCC)
Ensures everyone has a place to turn to in a time of crisis by providing 24 hour crisis support, professional counselling and 211 referrals – all at no cost

Girls Incorporated of Northern Alberta
Non-profit organization with a mission to inspire all girls to be strong, smart and bold. Girls Inc. of Northern Alberta serves communities all over the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo, and has partnership agreements with organizations throughout Western Canada to deliver our programs and positively influence girls’ lives.

Kids Help Phone (1-800-668-6868)
Canada’s only free, national, bilingual, confidential and anonymous, 24-hour telephone and online counselling service for kids and teens.

Orchard Recovery Center
Drug and alcohol addiction recovery center located on Bowen Island in BC. If there is an adult in your life who is suffering from drug and/or alcohol addiction, talk to your support network about getting them into treatment. The Orchard’s addiction recovery program is carefully designed, integrating a balance of clinical interventions, 12 step recovery, and holistic modalities. Flexible lengths of stay begin with our 10 day introduction to treatment, detox and stabilization, followed by 28, 42 and 90 plus day programs to build a solid foundation for recovery.

Oxford House
We provide people in recovery from addictions, a supportive program and safe home to achieve a productive, rewarding, clean and sober life.We believe in the goodness, dignity and potential of men and women with alcohol and drug addiction and that; by providing them with safe and affordable housing they will have the best opportunity for full, long-term recovery.

Saffron Centre
Offering help to victims of sexual assault; Specializing in Crisis, Therapy, & Education.

Suicide Information & Education Services
Offers information, education, support and referral services. We serve Red Deer and the communities of Central Alberta, providing educational programs to children, youth and adult groups.

The Cold Lake and District FCSS Mission
In partnership with the community, FCSS provides locally driven preventative social initiatives, based on current issues, which aim to improve the quality of life of individuals and families.

The National Eating Disorder Information Centre (NEDIC)
NEDIC provides information and support to individuals struggling with food and weight issues. Call the toll-free helpline at 1-866-NEDIC-20 or visit
British Columbia

Sage Virtual Counselling
Talk to a certified mental health professional from the convenience of your own home.

Vancouver-based nonprofit organization that specializes in providing information and referral regarding community, government and social services in BC. Our help line services include 211, the Alcohol and Drug Information and Referral Service (ADIRS), the Problem Gambling Help Line, VictimLink BC, and the Youth Against Violence Line.

Website of the BC Partners for Mental Health and Addictions Information. The BC Partners are a group of seven leading provincial mental health and addictions non-profit agencies: AnxietyBC, BC Schizophrenia Society, Centre for Addictions Research of BC, Canadian Mental Health Association’s BC Division, FORCE Society for Kids’ Mental Health, Family Services of the North Shore’s Jessie’s Legacy Program and Mood Disorders Association of BC.

Toll-free, confidential, multilingual telephone service available across B.C. and the Yukon 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at 1-800-563-0808. It provides information and referral services to all victims of crime and immediate crisis support to victims of family and sexual violence, including victims of human trafficking exploited for labour or sexual services.

Youth Against Violence
Are you in danger? Is someone you know being threatened? Want to make a difference? Stand Up. Be Heard. Get help. Youth Against Violence Line (BC).

The Crisis Line Association of BC (CLABC)
Provincial association representing member crisis lines from across BC.

YouthInBC is run by the Crisis Intervention & Suicide Prevention Centre of BC. We are a volunteer driven organization committed to helping people help themselves and others deal with crisis.

Crisis Centre
The Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention Centre of BC (Crisis Centre) is a non-profit, volunteer organization committed to helping people help themselves and others deal with crisis.

Kids Help Phone
Kids Help Phone (1-800-668-6868) is Canada’s only free, national, bilingual, confidential and anonymous, 24-hour telephone and online counselling service for kids and teens.

Boundary Women’s Coalition
The Boundary Women’s Transition House provides 24 hour services and programs for youth, women and their children who are fleeing abuse or who are at risk of abuse.

The National Eating Disorder Information Centre
NEDIC provides information, resources, referrals and support to individuals struggling with food and weight issues, as well as the families, friends and professionals who support them. For more information, call the toll-free helpline at 1-866-NEDIC-20 (1-866-633-4220) or visit

The LifeLine Canada Foundation (TLC)
The LifeLine is fast becoming the Internationally recognized Canadian Suicide Prevention and Awareness App, a free App devoted to Aid in Suicide Prevention and Awareness across Canada and Worldwide.

Tri-City Transitions
Strengthen Family & Community by “Breaking the Cycle of Abuse”. Vision is a diverse and equal society free of abuse.

Orchard Recovery Center
Drug and alcohol addiction recovery center located on Bowen Island in BC. If there is an adult in your life who is suffering from drug and/or alcohol addiction, talk to your support network about getting them into treatment. The Orchard’s addiction recovery program is carefully designed, integrating a balance of clinical interventions, 12 step recovery, and holistic modalities. Flexible lengths of stay begin with our 10 day introduction to treatment, detox and stabilization, followed by 28, 42 and 90 plus day programs to build a solid foundation for recovery.

Klinic Crisis Support
Our lines are open to people of all ages, genders and backgrounds. You do not have to be in crisis or suicidal to call. Calling the Crisis Lines can be a good place to start when trying to sort out a problem. We can also refer you to other services or programs.

Manitoba Suicide Line
The Manitoba Suicide Line is a toll-free, 24-hour crisis line run by trained crisis counselors from Klinic Community Health Centre Inc. Klinic has been offering opportunities for hope, healing, and change for over 35 years. Klinic is an accredited Crisis Centre through the American Association for Suicidology (AAS) and a member of the Canadian Association for Suicide Prevention (CASP)

Addictions Foundation of Manitoba
At least 1 in 5 Canadians experience problems with alcohol, drugs or gambling during their lifetime. Many more are affected by someone they care about experiencing these struggles. People of all ages and backgrounds experience these issues – and make positive changes. WE’RE HERE FOR YOU.

Kids Help Phone (1-800-668-6868)
Canada’s only free, national, bilingual, confidential and anonymous, 24-hour telephone and online counselling service for kids and teens.

The National Eating Disorder Information Centre
NEDIC provides information, resources, referrals and support to individuals struggling with food and weight issues, as well as the families, friends and professionals who support them. For more information, call the toll-free helpline at 1-866-NEDIC-20 (1-866-633-4220) or visit
New Brunswick

Sage Virtual Counselling
Talk to a certified mental health professional from the convenience of your own home.

The Fredericton Sexual Assault Centre
FSAC provides a safe and supportive space for survivors of sexual assault and sexual abuse. We offer both individual and group counselling to survivors of sexual violence. In addition to our counselling services, we offer a 24-hour sexual assault support line that is staffed by well-trained volunteers.

Chimo Helpline
Provincial crisis phone line, accessible 24hrs a day, 365 days a year to all residents of New Brunswick.

211 is the source Canadians trust when seeking information and services to deal with life’s challenges. 211’s award-winning telephone help line (2-1-1) and website provide a gateway to community, social, non-clinical health and related government services. 211 helps to navigate the complex network of human services quickly and easily, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, in over 100 languages.

Kids Help Phone (1-800-668-6868)
Canada’s only free, national, bilingual, confidential and anonymous, 24-hour telephone and online counselling service for kids and teens.

The National Eating Disorder Information Centre
NEDIC provides information, resources, referrals and support to individuals struggling with food and weight issues, as well as the families, friends and professionals who support them. For more information, call the toll-free helpline at 1-866-NEDIC-20 (1-866-633-4220) or visit

Canadian Mental Health NB
We are a grassroots organization that provides services to all communities in the province such as presentations, programs, support groups, workshops and advocacy for children, youth, adults and seniors living with mental illness or those in search of mental wellness. A wide range of specialized mental health programs and services are offered by CMHA of NB offices and Community Education Coordinators throughout the province. Programs and services are tailored to the needs and available resources of those communities where they are based.
Newfoundland & Labrador

Sage Virtual Counselling
Talk to a certified mental health professional from the convenience of your own home.

Help Now!
Provincial Mental Health Crisis Line: Local: (709) 737-4668 Toll Free: 1-888-737-4668 or Call the Newfoundland and Labrador HealthLine to access mental health or addictions services and speak with a registered nurse for professional advice and support 24/7. Toll Free: 1-888-709-2929

Kids Help Phone (1-800-668-6868)
Canada’s only free, national, bilingual, confidential and anonymous, 24-hour telephone and online counselling service for kids and teens.

The National Eating Disorder Information Centre
NEDIC provides information, resources, referrals and support to individuals struggling with food and weight issues, as well as the families, friends and professionals who support them. For more information, call the toll-free helpline at 1-866-NEDIC-20 (1-866-633-4220) or visit
Northwest Territories

Human Rights Commission
You have the right to be treated with dignity and respect. If you feel that you have been treated differently or harassed because of your age, race, disability or any other protected ground, let’s talk. Call us for free at 1-888-669-5575. Your call is always private.

Northwest Territories counselling contacts listing
There are a range of supports available for people with addictions or their families or friends. Your Community Counselling Program may be able to tell you what is available in your community.

Kids Help Phone (1-800-668-6868)
Canada’s only free, national, bilingual, confidential and anonymous, 24-hour telephone and online counselling service for kids and teens.

The National Eating Disorder Information Centre
NEDIC provides information, resources, referrals and support to individuals struggling with food and weight issues, as well as the families, friends and professionals who support them. For more information, call the toll-free helpline at 1-866-NEDIC-20 (1-866-633-4220) or visit

GirlSpace reaches out to those who identify as girls with quality programming addressing key social issues facing young woman. We offer girls the opportunity to increase their awareness about violence and it’s root causes while exploring identity, personal achievements, and building positive self-esteem. Together the groups have fun, do crafts, watch movies, go out on both educational and recreational outings, and volunteer in the community. It’s free, it’s fun—join today!
Nova Scotia

Sage Virtual Counselling
Talk to a certified mental health professional from the convenience of your own home.

211 is a free, confidential information and referral service to more than 3,000 community and social services across Nova Scotia. It is available throughout the province – 24 hours a day, 365 days a year – by dialing “2-1-1” to speak to a helpful staff member or by searching the easy-to-use online database at

Kids Help Phone (1-800-668-6868)
Canada’s only free, national, bilingual, confidential and anonymous, 24-hour telephone and online counselling service for kids and teens.

The National Eating Disorder Information Centre
NEDIC provides information, resources, referrals and support to individuals struggling with food and weight issues, as well as the families, friends and professionals who support them. For more information, call the toll-free helpline at 1-866-NEDIC-20 (1-866-633-4220) or visit

The Mental Health Mobile Crisis Team
MHMCT provides intervention and short term crisis management for children, youth and adults experiencing a mental health crisis. We offer telephone intervention across Nova Scotia and mobile response in most communities in Halifax Regional Municipality. Our support is confidential, non-judgmental and respectful.

Sage Virtual Counselling
Talk to a certified mental health professional from the convenience of your own home.

211 in Ontario is governed by Ontario 211 Services, a non-profit agency with five full-time staff and a dedicated Board of Directors. They work in collaboration with seven Regional 211 Service Providers, and a unique network of data contributors to deliver 211 services though the phone and through online channels to all Ontario residents.

Kids Help Phone (1-800-668-6868)
Canada’s only free, national, bilingual, confidential and anonymous, 24-hour telephone and online counselling service for kids and teens.

The National Eating Disorder Information Centre
NEDIC provides information, resources, referrals and support to individuals struggling with food and weight issues, as well as the families, friends and professionals who support them. For more information, call the toll-free helpline at 1-866-NEDIC-20 (1-866-633-4220) or visit

Sandgate Women’s Shelter of York Region Inc.
Sandgate Women’s Shelter of York Region Inc. is a feminist organization, dedicated to empowering all persons who identify as women and their children through safe shelter, resources, information and advocacy in order to eliminate violence in their lives. Call 1-800-661-8294

LGBT Youth Line
The Lesbian Gay Bi Trans Youth Line exists to provide service for youth, by youth that affirms the experiences and aspirations of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transsexual, transgender, 2-spirited, queer and questioning youth in Ontario. Working within an anti-oppression and anti-racist framework, we provide leadership opportunities, outreach, confidential peer support and referrals by telephone, texting and online.

Mental Health Helpline
The Mental Health Helpline provides information about mental health services in Ontario. We are funded by the Government of Ontario.

ConnexOntario provides free and confidential health services information for people experiencing problems with alcohol and drugs, mental illness or gambling. We are funded by the Government of Ontario.
Prince Edward Island

Sage Virtual Counselling
Talk to a certified mental health professional from the convenience of your own home.

Kids Help Phone (1-800-668-6868)
Canada’s only free, national, bilingual, confidential and anonymous, 24-hour telephone and online counselling service for kids and teens.

The National Eating Disorder Information Centre
NEDIC provides information, resources, referrals and support to individuals struggling with food and weight issues, as well as the families, friends and professionals who support them. For more information, call the toll-free helpline at 1-866-NEDIC-20 (1-866-633-4220) or visit

Sage Virtual Counselling
Talk to a certified mental health professional from the convenience of your own home.

211 Saskatchewan is a free, confidential, and searchable website of human services in Saskatchewan, with over 5,000 listings of social, community, non-clinical health, and government services across the province. The categories of listings include, but are not limited to, mental health and addictions, homelessness, income support, health care, food security and community programs.

Kids Help Phone (1-800-668-6868)
Canada’s only free, national, bilingual, confidential and anonymous, 24-hour telephone and online counselling service for kids and teens.

The National Eating Disorder Information Centre
NEDIC provides information, resources, referrals and support to individuals struggling with food and weight issues, as well as the families, friends and professionals who support them. For more information, call the toll-free helpline at 1-866-NEDIC-20 (1-866-633-4220) or visit

Saskatoon Crisis Intervention Service
SCIS provides comprehensive crisis response services to individuals and families 24 hours each day, 365 days of the year. This service includes crisis counselling and conflict management, provided over the phone, in the SCIS office or in the home. Following initial interventions, referrals for ongoing support may be provided.

Mobile Crisis Services Inc.
Mobile Crisis Services Inc. is a non-profit community-based organization that has been providing crisis intervention services to Regina and province of Saskatchewan since 1974. The overall purpose of the agency is to provide integrated and comprehensive social and health crisis intervention services.

Kids Help Phone (1-800-668-6868)
Canada’s only free, national, bilingual, confidential and anonymous, 24-hour telephone and online counselling service for kids and teens.

The National Eating Disorder Information Centre
NEDIC provides information, resources, referrals and support to individuals struggling with food and weight issues, as well as the families, friends and professionals who support them. For more information, call the toll-free helpline at 1-866-NEDIC-20 (1-866-633-4220) or visit
Washington, USA

Teen Link
Teen Link offers a confidential, anonymous, and non-judgmental help line for youth ages 13-20, every evening between 6-10 p.m. Teen volunteers are trained to listen to your concerns and talk with you about whatever’s on your mind. No issue is too big or too small! Volunteer phone workers also have access to an extensive database and can give you information on agencies serving youth in King County, Washington.

WA Recovery Help Line
The WA Recovery Help Line, a service of Crisis Clinic, is a 24-hour crisis intervention and referral line for those struggling with issues related to mental health, substance abuse, and problem gambling. Professionally trained volunteers and staff provide confidential support and referrals to detox, treatment, and recovery support groups.

Crisis Clinic
Crisis Clinic is a “first call for help” for anyone in our community experiencing crisis. Serving King County and WA State

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is a 24-hour, toll-free, confidential suicide prevention hotline available to anyone in suicidal crisis or emotional distress. By dialing 1-800-273-TALK (8255), the call is routed to the nearest crisis center in our national network of crisis centers. The Lifeline’s national network of local crisis centers provide crisis counseling and mental health referrals day and night.
Suicide is NEVER the answer, getting help is the answer. If you are suicidal, have attempted suicide, or are a suicide survivor, you will find help, hope, comfort, understanding, support, love, and extensive resources on

Trevor Project
The Trevor Project provides lifesaving and life-affirming services to LGBTQ+ youth. If you need support, call the Trevor Lifeline at 1-866-488-7386.

United Way 2-1-1
United Way 2-1-1 is a free, confidential service that helps people across North America find the local resources they need. We’re here for you 24-7

Orchard Recovery Center
Orchard Recovery Center is a drug and alcohol addiction recovery center located on Bowen Island in BC. If there is an adult in your life who is suffering from drug and/or alcohol addiction, talk to your support network about getting them into treatment. The Orchard’s addiction recovery program is carefully designed, integrating a balance of clinical interventions, 12 step recovery, and holistic modalities. Flexible lengths of stay begin with our 10 day introduction to treatment, detox and stabilization, followed by 28, 42 and 90 plus day programs to build a solid foundation for recovery.
Our extensive network of health care and industry specialists will be more than willing to work with you to provide advice, mentor-ship or counselling. On this section of our website you will be able to click through and visit the recommended sites and services directly.
If you do not find the help you are looking for listed in our GET HELP section, please email us right away to and we will do everything we can to locate the necessary agency and resource provider related to your situation, thank you.