bullying bystander

What Is A Bystander?

A bullying bystander is someone who watches bullying happen. They can either be friends of the victim, friends of the bully or random people who happen to see bullying take place. Many times bystanders just happen to be there when bullying happens.

It’s hard to know what to do when you see someone being bullied, but as a bystander, you have an opportunity to make a powerful difference in someone’s life. In most cases, bullying stops when a bystander steps in. You can choose to do the right thing.

The Bullying Experiment

Watch this incredibly powerful bullying project video, where 2 actors stage bullying fights in front of people to see if any of them actually react to stop the bully or not!

[youtube id=”EisZTB4ZQxY” width=”100%” height=”350″]

Bullying – Who To Tell

  • Talk to someone you trust, like your parents, a friend, a teacher, a counsellor or coach.
  • Involving an adult isn’t the same as tattling, especially when it comes to someone’s safety.
  • An adult can intervene and make the bullying stop

How To Stop Bullying

  • Don’t be a silent witness. You would want someone to have your back if you were the one getting bullied.
  • Don’t watch and laugh. That’s even worse than doing nothing.
  • If it’s too hard to speak out, send an anonymous note to school staff
  • Be assertive, not aggressive. Fighting doesn’t help anyone.
  • Invite the person being targeted to leave the situation with you
  • Encourage the target to get help from someone, like a guidance counsellor, teacher, or another adult who can help.

What Would You Do If It Was You?

  • Think about how you’d feel if you were being targeted. Wouldn’t you want someone to step in?
  • Ask for help from friends. There’s strength in numbers.
  • Stand up for people who are targeted. They might not be able to defend themselves.

Take A Stand On Bullying

  • It takes only one person to take a stand before others follow their lead. Have the courage to be that person.
  • If you stay and watch, you’re part of the problem. If you get help, you’re part of the solution
  • Stay safe. If you don’t feel comfortable intervening, ask an adult you trust for help.

Do you know what indirect bullying is? If not, learn today