
It’s back to school in less than a week for most kids, which means that many kids will run into confidence issues on the playground and in the classroom. It seems that ever so often these discussions are focused on girls, but today we want to chat about how to increase boys confidence.

In the classroom

Boys typically have a harder time sitting still compared to girls, and unfortunately, traditional classrooms don’t cater to this need. When a boy can’t sit still and wait their turn sometimes, they’ll become disruptive and blurt out the answer. Now instead of being praised for getting the answer right that boy is going to be in trouble with their teacher for not waiting their turn and being disruptive.

Often tasks in class can place shame on a boy, like reading. If he’s asked to read part of a book out loud in front of the class, he’ll be ashamed that he can’t read as well as others and come home being angry about that.

Tips to help:

Compliment them. Chat with your child’s teacher about praising them for completing tasks. A simple high five or recognition can help increase a boys confidence and make them happier at school.

Always Competing

Have you ever noticed that the competition between boys never seems to stop? They’re always comparing themselves amongst each other. Who’s the tallest? Who’s the fastest? Who’s won tag? This is where a boys confidence can drop, what if they’re not at the top of these lists?

Tips to help:

Talk about being unique, not the best. Explain to them that all boys are different and will develop and learn at different rates. Express that their different qualities make them stand out from being the same.

Be conscious of stereotypes portrayed by the media. Don’t block your child from watching television because it portrays a typical male stereotype. Instead, sit down and watch the show with them, explain to them that not every boy is like that. Maybe you’ll even see a positive role model to point out!

Boys Don’t Cry

It’s a terrible stereotype that boys seem to pick up from an early age. The coin flip here? Boys often get angry and upset instead of crying. Teach your boy that it’s okay to cry, it will help them in the long run, honestly. They’ll be able to better communicate their emotions and feelings later on in life.

Tips to help:

Let boys cry. Teach that that expressing feelings isn’t showing weakness and that they shouldn’t be ashamed to cry.

Teach them to be open about emotions. Chat with your child about the emotions they’re feeling whether it’s confusion, happiness, sadness, or anger. Support them and show them that it’s okay to express what they’re feeling.

Apply these tips into your routine this upcoming school year to help your boy’s confidence grow.