Edmonton Boy Beat Up On Bus

Boy Beat Up On Bus in Edmonton
A grade one boy was beat up Friday, October 3rd, on a school bus on the way home from St. Maria Goretti School, a Kindergarten to Grade 6 school in the city’s northeast end.
The boy got into an altercation with another boy on the bus, and his head was pushed into the window badly enough that it bled quite badly.
“He got a serious head wound,” Nagy said.
The altercation is considered to have been unprovoked.
The driver stopped the bus immediately and administered first aid. The injured boys parents were contacted, and a manager was dispatched to meet them at the boy’s bus stop.
“It’s a very serious incident, and troubling because it involves such young students. One incident is one too many.” Nagy said.
Learn the effects of bullying on kids
The other student has been suspended from taking the bus indefinitely, and suspended from school for one week.
Investigation Underway in Edmonton
Edmonton Catholic Schools has launched an investigation to further understand this matter.