There has been a new hashtag trending on Facebook and Twitter. Women all over the world are using social media to expose how big the problem of sexual harassment and assault actually is by sharing their stories and #metoo.

On Sunday, October 15, 2017, Actress Alyssa Milano asked victims to speak up in solidarity.

The response was overwhelming. The hashtag has been used over 200,000 times since Sunday night, and the number is growing. Many other celebrities and public figures spoke up, as well as women all over the world — even men and members of the transgender community are speaking up.

“Me toos” are equally important no matter who they come from. However, writer Charles Clymer — who has his own story of sexual assault — posted on his facebook that “It’s okay to take aside time to highlight misogyny specifically and amplify women.”

“It’s okay to take aside time to highlight misogyny specifically and amplify women.”

#MeToo is trending worldwide, perhaps you’ve already seen it flooding your newsfeed. So what can you do? Respond #Ibelieveyou.

#Ibelieveyou is a campaign that was started 2 years ago to help people respond simply to the complicated issue of sexual assault. #Ibelieve you is about letting survivors know that you support them and that you are there for them. You can learn more here.
