1. The Relationship Scorecard What’s the habit: If the person you’re dating continues to bring up errors you’ve made in the past, they’re keeping score. When both people are doing this it’s called the 'relationship…
Most people know that abusing alcohol can sometimes lead to liver disease and/or liver failure. Even more are aware that alcoholism is often viewed as a disease, rather than just a bad habit. Many, however,…
It was a routine Tuesday for Calder Anderson and his three teammates, Jake Chiasson, Nolan Ritchie, and Ben Thornton A workout and practice at the rink, followed by a volunteer event at the Samertine house,…
Tyler Smith is 24 years old and originally from Leduc, Alberta. Growing up, Tyler played any sport he could and loved going to school as he thrived being in group settings. Being a bubbly person,…
We all remember being young children and participating in our first sport. The excitement of going to practice, scoring your first goal in a game, and making new friends. It was 100% about having fun…
Only 1 in 10 People Score Perfect on This Healthy Relationship Quiz
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