Putting Your Life Back Together When You’re in Recovery

You’ve fought your addiction issues and put yourself on the road to recovery. Great! You should pat yourself on the back for fighting the good fight. Now it’s time to get your life going again. As with achieving sobriety, this challenge will require courage, self-discipline, and plenty of effort.
Here are some proven tips to help you along the way.
Starting With the Mind
Human beings are hardwired for negativity, according to addiction experts writing for Psychology Today. As Benjamin Franklin said, “we are not so sensible of the greatest health as of the least sickness.” This fact is vital to remember since your inner voices can drive you right back into relapse if you let them. Like any skulking attacker, however, our personal demons lose their power as soon as we recognize them for what they are. So do an internal course correction whenever you find yourself slipping into negative thought patterns. A positive attitude really can work wonders.
Getting Hooked on Health
Scientists have proven that some people are more prone to addiction than others. Does that mean your efforts to stay clean are doomed to fair? Not at all! In fact, you can use your addictive tendencies for the good by switching to a different “drug,” one that gives you a sense of reward without the harm caused by alcohol or illicit substances.
Here are some examples of what we mean:
- Exercise releases brain chemicals that induce a sense of euphoria. This sensation is at the root of the “runner’s high” reported by fitness enthusiasts.
- Meditation can induce feelings of ecstasy. Plus, you need not change your spiritual beliefs to enjoy its benefits. Many secular teachers and life coaches offer mindfulness meditation training, often for free on sites like YouTube.
- Speaking of spirituality, many people find that having faith in a Higher Power gives them the strength they need to achieve long-term recovery.
Salvaging Your Job History
To survive, you need a job. To land a job, you need references. How do you get positive referrals when your past reflects the not-so-smart choices you’ve made in the past? Here’s how:
- Contact the person you plan to use as a reference. Explain to her the reasons for your past irresponsibility, offer a sincere apology, and tell her you’re turning your life around. Are we suggesting you ask her to lie on your behalf? By no means. However, you can ask her to mention your good traits when people call to ask about you.
- Start small. You may need to work entry-level jobs for a while until you’ve proven yourself. You can then build on these experiences to get a better job down the road.
Resurrecting Your Credit
A decent credit history is essential for living a better life, according to Experian. But your current rating may have suffered during your experiences with addiction. Recovering from poor credit takes a while, sometimes years; but it is possible. Here’s how to do it:
- Get a copy of your credit report. You have the right to dispute items you consider inaccurate or obsolete and have them removed if your suspicions hold true. Doing so can raise your rating all by itself.
- Open a cash secured credit card account, make only small purchases with it, and pay the balance off faithfully. Over time you will see your credit score rise, making you eligible for conventional financing.
Keep Your Head Up and Your Eyes Focused on the Goal
Putting your life back together when you’re in recovery is never easy. But the rewards you’ll enjoy make all the sacrifice worthwhile. Use the tips in this post to guide you as you work towards a brighter future.
Written by Jennifer Scott