Teen Nominated “Ugliest Girl” Confronts Online Bullies

Lynelle Cantwell, a Newfoundland teen in grade 12, was nominated “Ugliest Girl” at her school.
The poll was posted on the website,, and named “Ugliest Girls in Grade 12” at Holy Trinity High School just outside of St. John’s.
“I may not look okay on the outside… But I’m funny, nice, kind, down to earth, not judgemental, accepting, helpful, and I’m super easy to talk to,” said Lynelle Cantwell in her Facebook post. According to Cantwell, she learned about the poll during class on Tuesday. Her, as well as other girls in the poll, were upset and angry at first.
“It tore me apart on the inside a little bit,” says Lynelle Cantwell about her initial feelings
The internet stood by Cantwell’s side, with her post being shared over 2,500 times as of yesterday afternoon. She has received messages from all over and has even had flowers sent to her home.
She says that this is not the first time that this type of bullying has happened at her school. School officials are attempting to address the issue to cut down on further instances.
Read more: Cyberbullying: Why Do Some Girls Become So Mean?
Her advice? “Don’t keep it bundled inside, but be mature about it. Always keep the high route and don’t sink to the bully’s standards.”
The full Facebook post can be read below:
To the person that made the “ugliest girls in grade 12 at hth” ask.FM straw poll. I’m sorry that your life is so…
Posted by Lynelle Cantwell on Tuesday, December 1, 2015