What to Do If Someone You Know Is Experiencing Family Violence
Violence in the home strikes at the heart of society. Anyone in a violent relationship experiences a loss when the one place where they should be safe and secure is a place of danger. Family violence has traditionally been viewed as a social or family problem. In fact, it is a crime that requires police intervention.
It’s a criminal act for your partner or other individuals defined within the Protection Against Family Violence Act to assault you, just as it is a crime for any individual, to assault another. As a victim of family violence, you are entitled to the maximum protection from harm or abuse permitted by law.
Family violence: The Protection Against Family Violence Act includes any act, threatened act or failure to act that causes injury or property damage (or causes a reasonable fear of injury or property damage). Behaviour which intimidates or harms a family member, including forced confinement, sexual abuse and stalking are also part of this definition. What is not included, are those situations where a parent uses force to correct a child. However, the force used must be reasonable in the circumstances otherwise it is a criminal offence.
Do you know someone who is experiencing Family Violence?
It can be really upsetting when someone you care about is being hurt, but your help and support can make a difference. The following information provides suggestions to help support those experiencing Family Violence.
Things to do:
- Call 911 if there is violence. (Simakansahk kantomihcihk)
- Talk to someone you trust. Do not carry this burden along, if the first person you talk to does not understand, talk to someone else. (Awiyak kapikiskwatiht, apo totak awiyak kapikiswataw kawichihisk)
- Make a safety plan. Plan where you would go in an emergency, how you would get there, and what you would need to take with you? (Ewiyicikecik)
- Protect yourself and others. If you are afraid you might hurt someone, harm yourself, or be harmed, get out fast and get help. (Kanaweyimowewin)
- Build your own strength. You are in a difficult situation. Look after yourself and appreciate that you are now taking charge of your life. (Maskawatisiwin)
Nobody said it was easy to change a tough situation, but your life is worth it
Is there family violence in my community?
- Between 1999 and 2004. 24%of aboriginal women and 18% aboriginal men reported being victims of spousal assault. These rates are three times higher than the rate of spousal assault among non-aboriginal women and me during this period.
- When spousal assault occurred, Aboriginal women were significantly more likely than non-Aboriginal woman (54% vs. 37%) to experience severe and potentially life-threatening forms of spousal violence including being beaten, choked, having a gun or knife used against them or being sexually assaulted.
- The rate of spousal homicide for Aboriginal women is eight times higher than it is for non-Aboriginal women.
“Helping Victims of Crime and Tragedy”
In Partnership with Maskwacis RCMP
Maskwacis, Alberta