Effects of Domestic Violence on Children
Effects of Domestic Violence
Children and Youth exposed to violence in the home are impacted socially, intellectually, behaviourally, emotionally, spiritually and sometimes physically.
Exposure to Violence in the home means:
- Hearing violence
- Seeing violence
- Being caught in the middle of violence
- Learning about violence that is happening
- Being aware that violence is happening in the home or someone else’s
If you have been exposed to violence at home you may:
- Act out on your feelings
- Want to do the best job you can at things
- Have a hard time paying attention
- Want to be alone
- Want to hit or yell.
You may also feel:
- Angry
- Sad
- Fearful or worried
- Sick (for example: have a stomach ache)
- Guilty
- Nothing at all or a combination of the above.
These are all normal reactions to being exposed to violence at home.
Violence Against Children
Children and Youth exposed to Violence Against Women must understand 3 Key Messages:
1. Violence Is NOT Okay:
- It is NOT Okay to hurt people you love.
- Violence is NOT a “normal” part of a relationship.
- Violence Against Women is NOT Okay in any culture or religion.
2. It’s NOT your fault:
- It is never a child or youth’s fault for the violence that is happening in the home
3. You are NOT Alone:
- Studies show that 3-5 students in every classroom have been exposed to Violence Against Women
Domestic Violence Awareness — There is Help
And There Are People Who Can Help You:
- Talk to a teacher or school counsellor you can trust
- Talk to another safe adult (family member, neighbour, friend you can trust)
- Talk to someone who works for your local anti-violence program
- Talk to a Children Who Witness Abuse Counsellor
- Call the Kids Help Phone (Toll Free Across Canada): 1-800-668-6868