Cyberbullying Statistics – Parental Monitoring Lowers Risk

Shocking Statistics about cyberbullying in 2014
An annual study conducted by security software firm McAfee has some scary results to share about teen’s online social habits and cyberbullying.
According to the study, cyberbullying has tripled. The study, which examines the online behaviour and social networking habits of U.S. preteens and teens found that 87% of youth have witnessed cyberbullying, versus 27% last year. Scary.
If you expected that cyberbullying would be on the decline because of all the social awareness about the issue, unfortunately, the anti-cyberbullying trend hasn’t really taken off with youth activities…yet.
The study suggests that the negative experiences teens are having online are affecting them offline as well. Online arguments and disputes are leading to real-life conflict. 50% of youth have been involved in an argument because of something posted on social media, a 51% increase from last year.
Parental Control for Internet Usage
Parents are encouraged to set up parental guidance to their children’s online social media usage. The study reveals that teens would behave differently online if they knew their parents were watching, and that about half of all youth have posted something online that they later regret.
The study has found that youth use social networking sites they believe their parents are not monitoring – Youtube being the most frequently visited on a weekly basis, followed by instagram.
See our Cyber Bullying Top Tips For Parents, and get informed about online safety and talk to your children about their social media habits.
If you aren’t convinced that cyberbullying is serious, watch this short film that outlines the harmful effects of cyberbullying.
[youtube id=”APxPalpJlTY” width=”100%” height=”350″]
Cyber bullying is when a child, preteen, teen, or adult is being harassed, humiliated and embarrassed through electronic and online means. Kids get cyber bullied by interactive and digital technologies or mobile phones
Be a part of the cyberbullying solution, learn how to stop cyberbullying today.
View the entire study from McAfee here.