Scrolling Towards Doom: Understanding the Mental Health Impacts of Doomscrolling in the Digital Age

In today's digital age, it's all too easy to fall into the trap of doomscrolling. But what exactly is doomscrolling, and how does it affect our mental well-being? A recent study published in the National…

Strategies to Manage Anxiety Attacks

Experiencing an anxiety attack can be scary, and symptoms can vary from person to person. Fortunately, there are effective strategies to help you deal with these intense moments and minimize their impact. This article will…

The Harm of Hustle Culture

Written by Fola Veritas July 2023 We live in a society that values success and doing whatever it takes to maintain it.  This could lead us to believe that the key to happiness lies solely…

Protecting Your Privacy Online: Essential Tips for Establishing Boundaries in the Digital Age

The digital age has brought many advantages, but it has also brought new challenges when it comes to protecting our privacy. With the amount of personal information shared online, it is more important than ever…

Tech, Kids and Our Sanity

We cannot escape technology and the impact it has on our lives. Technology has led to many advancements in health, business, and our overall sense of enjoyment in life. Kicking back with some popcorn and…

Not Alone: The Tyler Smith Story

Tyler Smith is 24 years old and originally from Leduc, Alberta. Growing up, Tyler played any sport he could and loved going to school as he thrived being in group settings. Being a bubbly person,…


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